Indian Law Part 3: The Indian Child Welfare Act and the Brackeen Case

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Indian Law Part 3: The Indian Child Welfare Act and the Brackeen Case


  • 2023 January 12 (Creación)


Type: MP4
Size: 1GB
Runtime: 01:05:46

Nombre del productor

Historia biográfica

Nombre del productor

(2020 - Present)

Historia administrativa

The Catawba Indian Nation Cultural Services Division is a division of the Catawba Indian Nation government, formed in April 2020, when the Catawba Cultural Preservation Project (1993-2020) was incorporated into tribal government. Departments of the Cultural Services Division include: the Catawba Cultural Center, Tribal Historic Preservation Office (THPO), Tribal Programs, Public Programs, Community Library, and the Catawba Nation Archives.

Nombre del productor

Historia biográfica

Teresa Dunlap is the Cultural Class Specialist at the Catawba Cultural Center.

Área de contenido y estructura

Alcance y contenido

Jeff Harris, Catawba citizen, Director of Justice Services, and Tribal Attorney for the Catawba Nation discusses the history and importance of the Indian Child Welfare Act (1978), and recent challenges to its provisions.

Sistema de arreglo


Condiciones de acceso y uso de los elementos

Condiciones de acceso

This item is open for research use.

Acceso físico

Acceso técnico


©2023 Catawba Indian Nation. All rights reserved. Requests to publish, reproduce, or quote from this material, in whole or in part, must be submitted to the archivist in writing for review.

Idiomas del material

  • inglés
  • lenguas sioux

Escritura(s) de los documentos

  • latín

Notas sobre las lenguas y escrituras

Some Catawba is spoken.

Instrumentos de descripción

Elementos de adquisición y valoración

Historial de custodia

This video was produced by the Catawba Indian Nation's Cultural Services Division and donated directly to the Catawba Nation Archives.

Origen del ingreso

Valoración, selección y eliminación


No further accruals are expected.

Elementos de material relacionado

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Elemento notas

Nota general

Originally produced as a virtual program and recorded via Zoom.

Notas especializadas

Identificador/es alternativo(os)

Área de control de la descripción

Reglas o convenciones


Nota del archivista

Record Created by Ensley F. Guffey, 2023 May 15.

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