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Archival description
CNAM · Collection · 1987-1997

This record group collects manuscripts and materials held by the Catawba Nation Archives that fall outside the scope of other record groups.

Catawba Nation Archives
CNOH · Record group

Collects audio, video, and transcribed oral histories of Catawba citizens, as well as associated notes and materials.

Catawba Nation Archives
CNAI · Record group · 1912 - ?

This collection contains various photographic prints, photographic slides, photo negatives, and printed copies of photograhs of Catawba citizens, family, and friends. Includes photos of pottery and other traditional crafts.

Catawba Indian Nation Cultural Services Division
Catawba Nation Video Archive
CNAV · Record group · 2021 - ?

Collects video in various formats. Includes recordings of festivals, interviews, documentaries, and outreach.

Catawba Nation Archives
CCPP · Record group

Collects records and materials from the administration and departments of the Catawba Cultural Preservation Project. Includes manuscripts, financial documents, programming records, newsletters, and other materials.

CING · Record group

Collects materials from the various divisions, departments, and associated organizations of the Catawba Indian Nation government.

Catawba Indian Nation
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