Elementos de identidad
Código de referencia
Nivel de descripción
CCPP Language Department
- 2000 - 2012 (Actividad de mantenimiento de registros)
5 boxes, 3.25 linear feet.
Área de contenido y estructura
Alcance y contenido
This collection contains materials related to the revitalization of the Catawba language, and instructional materials deemed to be of historical interest.
Sistema de arreglo
Arranged in original order in 5 boxes.
Condiciones de acceso y uso de los elementos
Condiciones de acceso
The collection is open for research use.
Acceso físico
Acceso técnico
Idiomas del material
- inglés
- lenguas sioux
Escritura(s) de los documentos
- latín
Notas sobre las lenguas y escrituras
Some of the material is in the Catawba language.
Instrumentos de descripción
Elementos de adquisición y valoración
Historial de custodia
Origen del ingreso
Valoración, selección y eliminación
Further accruals are expected
Elementos de material relacionado
Existencia y localización de originales
Existencia y localización de copias
Unidades de descripción relacionadas.
Descripciones relacionadas
- Box 2 (Language Department Collection)
- Box 3 (Language Department Collection)
- Hot, Warm, Cold
- Catawba Language Lexicon
- Partial Catawba Language Lexicon
- Catawba-English Word List for Plants with Handwritten Annotations
- Catawba Words and Phrases
- Catawba Dictionary
- Basic Catawba Language Handout for Greetings, Weather, and Seasons
- Extended Animal Word List
- Notes on Catawba Animal Words
- Animal Word List with Classification Notes
- Table of Catawba Vowels
- Catawba Vowel Chart
- Consonants
- Consonants (Handwritten)
- Catawba Easter Page
- Box 5 (Language Department Collection)
- Box 6 (Language Department Collection)
- Catawba Scavenger Hunt
- Command Forms
- Days of the Week
- Colors
- Catawba Words for Kin, Speak, Love, Drink, etc.
- Catawba Language Worksheet for Phrases Using "Is"
- Catawba Dictionary Pages
- Catawba Word & Phrase List
- Adjectives
- Command Forms and Days of the Week
- Revival of the Catawba Language
- Staff Class Word List
- Catawba Stories
- Box 7 (Language Department Collection)
- Catawba-English Dictionary, A-G
- Catawba-English Dictionary, H-N
- Catawba-English Dictionary, O-Z
- Notes on Catawba and Siouan Languages
- Copy of Catawba Notes Article by John R. Swanton
- Copies of Truman Michaelson Microfilm Language Cards
- Copies of James Owen Dorsey Catawba Language Notecards Microfilm
- Box 8 (Language Department Collection)
- Raven McDaniel Language Notes
- Transcription of Raven McDaniel Language Notes
- Letters from John S Clark to Alfred S. Gatschet
- Copy of Draft of "Onomatology of the Catawba River Basin" by Albert S. Gatschet.
- Who Words and Linguist's Notes
- What Words
- When Words
- Where Words
- Why Words
- Whose Words
- How Words
- Box 1 (Language Department Collection)
- Records of the Catawba Indian Nation Government
Elemento notas
Notas especializadas
Identificador/es alternativo(os)
Área de control de la descripción
Reglas o convenciones
Nota del archivista
Record created by Ensley F. Guffey, 2021.