"The Rattlesnake" and "The Chipmunks," told by Kris Carpenter

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"The Rattlesnake" and "The Chipmunks," told by Kris Carpenter


  • 2022 July 07 (Produção)


1 MP4 file, runtime 00:22:07

Nome do produtor

(8000 BC - present)

História biográfica

Descriptions linked to this authority record are cultural heritage artifacts traditional to the Catawba people. While no specific creator(s) are known, the artifacts are Catawba in origin and the Catawba Indian Nation asserts any and all applicable intellectual property rights to the heritage items in question.

Nome do produtor

(2020 - Present)

História administrativa

The Catawba Indian Nation Cultural Services Division is a division of the Catawba Indian Nation government, formed in April 2020, when the Catawba Cultural Preservation Project (1993-2020) was incorporated into tribal government. Departments of the Cultural Services Division include: the Catawba Cultural Center, Tribal Historic Preservation Office (THPO), Tribal Programs, Public Programs, Community Library, and the Catawba Nation Archives.

Nome do produtor

História biográfica

Elementos de conteúdo e estrutura

Âmbito e conteúdo

Catawba Kris Carpenter recounts the traditional Catawba story of "The Rattlesnake" and "The Chipmunks." She also discusses Donald Rogers, who taught stories to her.

Sistema de arranjo


Condições de acesso e uso dos elementos

Condições de acesso

Access is restricted to enrolled tribal members of the Catawba Indian Nation and their families. Please contact the archives for more information.

Acesso físico

Acesso técnico

Condiçoes de reprodução

©2022 Catawba Indian Nation. All Rights reserved.

All requests to copy this material in whole or in part should be sent in writing to the tribal archivist for review.

Idiomas do material

  • inglês

Escrita do material

  • latim

Notas ao idioma e script

Instrumentos de descrição

Elementos de aquisição e avaliação

História custodial

Produced by the Catawba Nation Cultural Services Division Programs Department and donated directly to the Catawba Nation Archives.

Fonte imediata de aquisição

Informações de avaliação, seleção e eliminação


No further accruals are expected.

Elementos de materiais relacionados

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Elemento de notas

Nota geral

Recorded via Zoom as part of a virtual program.

Notas especializadas

Identificador(es) alternativo(s)

Elemento de controle de descrição

Regras ou convenções

Fontes utilizadas

Nota do arquivista

Record created by Ensley F. Guffey, 2022 August 10.

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