An academic paper entitled “Ye Iswa: The Catawba Nation” by Christopher Chad Canty.
Dr. Wenonah G. HaireContains Guidebooks for the 1993 Yap Ye Iswa festival and posters for the 2004 festival.
Dr. Wenonah G. HaireRecords kept by Dr. Wenonah G. Haire during her tenure as director of the Catawba Cultural Preservation Project (CCPP).
Dr. Wenonah G. HaireContains a 1999 memo regarding a scavenger hunt activity dividing participants up into teams and a list of the hiding places of all the things they were supposed to look for
Dr. Wenonah G. HaireContains meeting minutes, company rosters, itineraries, committee reports and agendas, and miscellaneous correspondence dating from 1993-2005.
Dr. Wenonah G. HaireContains the agendas of several USET committee meetings from 2002, as well as consultations regarding how the tribes should interact with certain government bodies on cultural resource laws, land protection measures, and casino regulation, and the minutes of the USET external stakeholders’ meeting on 12/1/2001.
Dr. Wenonah G. HaireContains a series of faxes dated 2003 of conference call meeting minutes between the Federal Communications Commission and the USET (of which Dr. Haire is listed as a member), parameters for land protection applications, itineraries, and USET company resolutions.
Dr. Wenonah G. HaireContains an April 1997 copy of the CIN Personnel Policy Manual.
Dr. Wenonah G. HaireContains Kodak microfiche slides of Catawba pottery and some of the master potters from 2003, and an information packet on the pottery for Cultural Center docent use.
Dr. Wenonah G. HaireContains a list of itineraries, calendars, games/activities, employment screening questions, and other important announcements for the Catawba Nation Seniors, all dated 1999.
Dr. Wenonah G. Haire